Website Settings
To access your account go to the Made Daily Global Menu and click on Website Settings.
Site Icon
The site icon, often called favicon or bookmark icon, is the image that appears in the tab bar of the browser or when a user bookmarks your site. Select or upload your icon, the image should be 64x64 pixels square.
Business Name
This is the name of your business.
Enabled Features
These features, Social Sharing, Commerce, Classes & Events, must be enabled and set-up prior to implementing content.
Max Width
This is the Maximum width of your website content area measured in pixels. Made Daily’s default width is 1400 pixels.
Enable Tablet Break
Enabling the tablet break gives you more flexibility over your layout and design, but at the cost of added complexity. Turn the Tablet break on to fine tune your design for tablet devices.
Google Analytics Number
Enter your Google Analytics number to enable website tracking. When active the Made Daily dashboard will show a Google Analytics read out of your stats. If your don’t have a Google Analytics account you can learn more and get one at:
Website Domains
Your website comes with a Made Daily URL.
You can view your site progress at this URL even if you haven’t yet registered a custom domain.
To make your website live you will need a registered domain from a domain registrar.
Add Your Domain
To add your domain click the NEW DOMAIN button.
Enter your Domain Name
You must own the domain name you enter. If you do not own a domain name we recommend you register one first.
It is recommended to connect the root domain name (without www), we will automatically create a record for www.
You can add a primary domain and additional domains.
Click Add New Domain.
Domain DNS Set-up and Validation
To set-up and validate your domain you must create two records with your domain registrar.
An A record (IP address) is required to use the top level of a domain. We recommend using a CNAME as well and especially if the domain is not at the top level.
The A record must be set to the IP address value:
The CNAME www must be set to:
Once you have implemented these settings with your Domain Registrar, Click CHECK SETTINGS to validated the DNS.
A green √ means the DNS is configured properly.
A red X means the DNS is not configured properly and you may need to check the settings at your registrar.
Website Users
You can set up primary and secondary website users and assign roles.
Adding & Editing Users and Roles
To add a user click NEW SITE ADMINISTRATOR.
To edit a user role click EDIT ROLES and then toggle roles off and on. Then click UPDATE SITE ADMINISTRATOR.
To remove a user click the REMOVE button.
This user can add and edit users and assign roles to users.
This user can modify website styles but cannot change page layouts or framework templates.
This user has full creative control over the layout and design of the website.
Billing and Platform Level
Made Daily platforms vary based on your website needs. You can upgrade or change you plan at anytime.
To Change your Plan
Click on Upgrade, Change or View plans.
Then choose the new plan that is right for you.
To Change your Billing Term
Click on Change Billing Term to change your plan.
Then select Annual or Monthly term.
You can also Choose a different plan if needed.