Topics covered in this section

Buttons & Alerts

Style your buttons and alerts, off-canvas icons, and share buttons for your website.


Styling the Global buttons will affect the other buttons in the style sheet, so start with the global button and then style the rest of the buttons based off the Global button.

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Hover State

The hover state is when the button is being rolled over.

Best Style Practices

When editing buttons, start with the typestyle, padding around the text, the border color, and corners. 


When finsihed styling your button, don't forget to hit Publish Stylesheet to see you changes live.

Different Breakpoints

You can set separate styles for each responsive breakpoint. Click on the tablet or mobile icon and then edit the style.

View responsive style changes in the context of a page and work back and forth between pages and styles as you tweak your design.

  • Publishing Your Page
  • SEO What Is It and How to Use It
  • Hover States on Buttons, Made Simple